Contact & Location
An Initiative by the Institute of Ancient History, the Basel Climate Science and Ancient History Lab is located at the Departement of Ancient Civilizations, University of Basel. Located directly opposite the University's main Kollegienhaus, the department can be reached from both of the city's train stations, Basel SBB and Basel Bad. Bhf.
- Bus 30 (either direction): Universität
Alternatively, board Tram 8 (direction Weil am Rhein), Tram 10 (direction Dornach) or Tram 11 (direction St. Louis Grenze) at Basel SBB, and switch at Bankverein to:
- Tram 3 (direction Gare de St. Louis): Universität

Institute of Ancient History
Department of Ancient Civilizations
Petersgraben 51
4051 Basel
+41 61 207 12 50