Historical Climate Database for Roman Egypt

All subprojects contribute their data with geographical coordinates to a joint and mappable online open access database in order to create a synthesis of the results based on the historical records and natural archives from the eight subprojects. This database presents literary, papyrological, numismatic, archaeological, and climatological evidence for third-century Roman Egypt in a format suitable for spatial analysis and visualization. Political disruptions, reforms, laws, and their tangible repercussions, settlement decline and interruptions, grain prices and prices of other commodities, Nile flood qualities with all their uncertainties, are currently being entered for each year of the third century CE. This database aims at establishing the chronology of human occupations, economic development, political and administrative transformations and climatological and environmental change over the course of the third century CE, by combining papyrological, numismatic, archaeological, and palaeoclimatological data. 

The data will be made available after the project’s end in open-access on the project’s homepage and with Scientific Data, a peer-reviewed, open-access journal for descriptions of scientifically valuable datasets, and research that advances the sharing and reuse of scientific data, where our data has a DOI and the records can be easily referenced.