Workshop | 14–15 September 2021
Building & Managing Historical Climate Databases for the Ancient World: Prospects and Pitfalls
How can an interdisciplinary project, featuring continuous research output in a multitude of fields, efficiently pool all of its results? What methods can be used to connect source types from the historical and the climate sciences? How effective can databases be for the presentation of project results? In what ways can databases be optimized to its users' needs?
Scholars from the fields of Ancient History, Archaeology, Byzantine Studies, Paleoclimatology, Dendrochronology, and more will tackle these questions together, highlighting potential red flags during the conception and management of databases, sharing experiences and developing best-case approaches for the future of transdisciplinary, linked data pools. This open exchange will include a discussion of biases inherent to each discipline, scholarly interpretations and contemporary scholarship, as well as the options for visual representations of highly different types of evidence.
Workshop postponed from 5–6 March 2021.
Confirmed participants include:
Sabine R. Huebner (Basel)
François Blondel (Basel/Geneva)
Brandon McDonald (Basel)
Matthias Stern (Basel)
Victoria G. D. Landau (Basel)
Stefania Alfarano (Basel)
François Gerardin (Basel)
Lucas Gericke (Basel)
Dominik Fleitmann (Basel)
Francis Ludlow (Dublin)
Markus Stoffel (Geneva)
Sébastien Guillet (Geneva)
Adam Izdebski (Jena)
Lee Mordechai (Jerusalem)
Andrew Wilson (Oxford)
Joe Manning (Yale)
Paul Erdkamp (Brussels)
Join the Workshop via Zoom here: https://unibas.zoom.us/j/67323064787?pwd=eHUzMG0yc0ZabXAwZVFkWnU2MHg4Zz09
Meeting-ID: 673 2306 4787
Passcode: 894228